Course Calendar

See the course overview for details on the course content and prerequisites.

Textbook: This course will not use a textbook. (Most of the topics we will teach are too new to appear in textbooks.) Ron Rivest has compiled a comprehensive list of readings on cryptography and computer security. If you are interested in going deeper into any topic, or if you need ideas for your final project, these references are a great place to start.

Course policies: Please read them carefully. You are responsible for knowing and following all of the policies—especially the collaboration policy and the policy on AI assistants (GPT and friends). Please do not make us sad, and yourself even more sad, by violating the collaboration policy.

Warning: We may change any content on this website, including the calendar, at any time.

MondayTuesday WednesdayThursday Friday
feb 3🎬
Lecture 1, hcg
Overview of crypto; Overview of class, Why post-quantum crypto?
First day of classes
feb 4
Published: Pset 1
feb 5🎬
Lecture 2, yk
Symmetric Encryption: Construction from PRF
feb 6 feb 7
Recitation 1, sw
Review session

DUE: Review course policies.

DUE: Read about final project
feb 10🎬
Lecture 3, hcg
Symmetric-key primitives I
feb 11 feb 12🎬
Lecture 4, hcg
Symmetric-key primitives II
feb 13 feb 14🎬
Recitation 2, kc
Choosing a project topic

DUE: Pset 1

DUE: Post final project idea on Piazza
feb 17
Presidents' day
feb 18🎬
Lecture 5, yk
Public-key Encryption: Constructions from LWE (Regev)
Published: Pset 2
Monday classes held
feb 19🎬
Lecture 6, ah
PIR from LHE
feb 20 feb 21

DUE: Project proposal
feb 24🎬
Lecture 7, yk
FHE - Part I
feb 25 feb 26🎬
Lecture 8, ah
FHE - Part II
feb 27 feb 28
Recitation 3, lw
FHE Review

DUE: Pset 2
mar 3🎬
Lecture 9, hcg
Interactive proofs and zero knowledge
Discuss your project with TAs
mar 4
Published: Pset 3
Discuss your project with TAs
mar 5🎬
Lecture 10, hcg
Signatures from LWE
Discuss your project with TAs
mar 6
Discuss your project with TAs
mar 7
Recitation 4, all
Project meetings

DUE: By this date, meet with a TA to discuss your project
Discuss your project with TAs
mar 10🎬
Lecture 11, yk
Secret sharing
mar 11 mar 12🎬
Lecture 12, yk
MPC: Intro and definition
mar 13 mar 14
Recitation 5, lc
Review - commitment schemes, secret sharing

DUE: Pset 3
mar 17🎬
Lecture 13, yk
MPC: BGW construction
mar 18 mar 19🎬
Lecture 14, hcg
MPC: Applications
mar 20 mar 21
Recitation 6, lw

DUE: Project check in
mar 24
Spring break
mar 25
Spring break
mar 26
Spring break
mar 27
Spring break
mar 28
Spring break
mar 31🎬
Lecture 15, guest
Guest lecture by Jim Bidzos
Discuss your project with TAs
apr 1
Published: Pset 4
Discuss your project with TAs
apr 2🎬
Lecture 16, guest
Guest lecture by Ron Rivest
Discuss your project with TAs
apr 3
Discuss your project with TAs
apr 4
Recitation 7, all
Project meetings

DUE: By this date, meet with a TA to discuss your project
Discuss your project with TAs
apr 7🎬
Lecture 17, yk
apr 8 apr 9🎬
Lecture 18, yk
apr 10 apr 11
Recitation 8, sw

DUE: Pset 4
apr 14🎬
Lecture 19, yk
apr 15 apr 16🎬
Midterm quiz
apr 17 apr 18

DUE: Project check in
apr 21🎬
Patriots' day
apr 22
apr 23🎬
Lecture 20, hcg
Deployed Cryptography I
apr 24 apr 25
apr 28🎬
Lecture 21, hcg
Deployed Cryptography II
apr 29 apr 30🎬
Project presentations
may 1 may 2
may 5🎬
Project presentations
may 6 may 7🎬
Project presentations
may 8 may 9
may 12🎬
Project presentations
may 13

DUE: Final project report
Last day of classes
may 14 may 15 may 16
may 19
Final exam period
may 20
Final exam period
may 21
Final exam period
may 22 may 23

Course website design courtesy of PDOS and Katrina LaCurts.